
Online Banking

Remote Deposit Capture




3260 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 477-7600




2400 E. Gonzales Rd. Oxnard, CA 93036
(805) 485-7600




2357-B Pickwick Dr.
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 482-7600


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Cash Management Services

County Commerce Bank offers a complete range of cash management services to help businesses optimize cash flow and operate more efficiently. It’s important to choose the bank that’s right for your business and we understand that you require solutions customized for your company’s special needs including services to expedite your receivables, to manage your disbursements and to streamline reporting.

Our local cash management professionals work with you to select the right mix of services and state of the art technology you need to effectively manage your financial operations

Select from these Cash Management Services to learn more:

Business Online Banking

Business Online Banking puts financial control in your hands by providing up-to-date information, real-time transactions, convenient reporting, and fraud controls to assist with your business cash management. You can access your accounts anytime, anywhere to move money immediately among your accounts at County Commerce Bank to maximize your earnings.

Deposits posted that day will appear on your account the same day. You also can see what checks will clear your account for the current day to assist you in cash management.

With Business Online Banking you can:

  • See real-time balance information.
  • Access Business Online Bill Pay and Positive Pay.
  • Make wire transfers.
  • Originate ACH transactions and even prepare payroll.
  • Make internal transfers between accounts.
  • Place stop payments for reduced fees.
  • View loan information, request loan advances, and make loan payments.
  • Make federal tax payments.
  • Obtain statements for the prior 12 months and view canceled check images.
  • Assign different security levels for different users.

Business Online Banking gives you control of funds and research power at your fingertips. Learn more

Business Online Bill Pay

Pay your bills online any time, day or night, without ever writing a check or buying a stamp. You can set up one-time or recurring payments days, weeks, or even months in advance.

With Business Online Bill Pay you can:

  • Use any computer to access the service.
  • Save time and money since there are no checks to write and no stamps to buy.
  • Make payments faster.
  • Generate gift checks.
  • Establish emails to remind you when payments are due.
  • Eliminate late fees if payments are scheduled in a timely manner.
  • Eliminate payments being lost in the mail.

Click Here for Demo

It’s easy to get started saving time and money with Business Online Bill Pay. Learn more

Remote Deposit Capture

Reduce trips to the Bank by scanning and depositing your checks directly from your office. Remote Deposit Capture utilizes a desk-top scanner that connects to your PC and the Internet. With it, you can scan checks received from your customers and issue deposits electronically to the Bank 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You also benefit from the extended daily cutoff time to 5:00 p.m. It’s the fastest and easiest way to make your deposits.

With Remote Deposit Capture you can:

  • Make deposits every day to accelerate clearings so that rapid availability improves cash flow and working capital.
  • Reduce time spent balancing and processing deposits to free up staff for other tasks.
  • Reduce expenses for a courier or for your own transportation of checks to the Bank.
  • Reduce fraud risk because returned items are available sooner to speed the collection process.
  • Easily consolidate deposits from multiple locations.
  • Review the images of items deposited for the last 45 days to make research easier.

Remote Deposit Capture features multiple layers of security including individual user settings, password protection, Internet firewalls, and 128-bit encryption, the highest level of security available.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Use Business Online Banking to access our ACH services which allow you to process one-time or recurring deposits and payments when it's most convenient for you. Improve daily cash flow and move funds electronically to pay your vendors, direct deposit your employees' payroll, and collect regularly occurring receivables more quickly and efficiently than paper.

Using ACH services you can:

  • Maintain control of producing and sending your own ACH files.
  • Control timing of disbursements since you know exactly when your account will be debited.
  • Speed collection of receivables and ensure timing of receipts will be more predictable and reliable.
  • Improve cash flow.
  • Reduce overhead by dramatically reducing processing and preparation costs, cost of checks, postage, etc.
  • Save employees the time and trouble of depositing their payroll checks by using direct deposit.
  • Increase charitable donations for non-profits with monthly payment plans for donors.
  • View daily ACH activity online using Business Online Banking.

Wire Transfers

Initiate transfers between your accounts with us to destinations around the world in a matter of minutes -- securely, accurately, quickly, and conveniently. Wire transfers are not limited to U.S. currency. Wire transfers provide for immediate availability of funds. Wire transfers can be initiated in the branch or through Business Online Banking.

Positive Pay

Positive Pay is an automated fraud detection tool available through Business Online Banking. It matches the account number, check number and dollar amount of each check presented for payment against a list of checks you provide to the Bank online. This allows you to quickly identify potential fraudulent items before they hit your account.

With Positive Pay you view images online and identify and review suspect items daily and make pay or return decisions.

Positive Pay:

  • Allows you to easily input checks into the online banking system in batches or individually.
  • Helps reduce check fraud.
  • Generates a complete audit trail for all items issued, paid, voided or deleted.
  • Helps reduce clerical functions with daily reconcilement.

Tax Payments

Make your federal tax deposits through Business Online Banking.  It’s simple and convenient and the Bank maintains records of your tax deposits for up to 2 years.

Merchant Card Processing Services

We offer merchant payment processing and information services that work on networks powered by platforms like Credit Cards Processor, Entrust and MBankCard with a flexible, full-service product line to help merchants operate more efficiently and competitively. With this service, merchants are able to increase sales and serve a broader market by providing various payment options.

Our Merchant Card Processing Services offer:

  • Acceptance of all card types including credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, electronic check acceptance, and more.
  • Fast and convenient transaction processing that streamlines daily sales activities.
  • Expeditious return of funds.
  • Nationwide support.
  • Faster authorizations.
  • 24 / 7 customer service.
  • Monthly activity statements.
  • Prompt credit on deposits.
  • Expedited approval processes.

Contact your local branch and find out how we can tailor a combination of easy and affordable options to help you utilize the latest payment technology to streamline your payment processing operations.

Business Debit Card

Our Business Visa® Debit Card is tied to your business checking account and it provides you with the convenience of purchasing goods without the hassle of writing a check and it’s safer than carrying cash. It’s accepted anywhere Visa® is accepted and is as easy to use as a credit card, without having to pay any interest. The purchase amount is automatically deducted from your checking account, and every transaction is detailed on your monthly checking statement.

Using your Business Visa® Debit Card:

  • Makes it easy to transact business at merchants and ATMs worldwide.
  • Offers greater convenience than checks and is more secure than cash.
  • Can speed delivery of inventory.
  • Allows you to set different limits for each employee.
  • Makes it easy to monitor purchases by employees.
  • Makes recordkeeping easier because transactions appear on your statement.
  • Helps to identify tax write-offs and simplifies compiling year-end records.

Foreign Exchange

You can exchange the currency of one country for the currency of another at rates of exchange that are determined daily. Exporters and importers can fix the cost of foreign currency in advance of actual payment.

Courier Service

We bring the Bank to you by providing our customers with Courier Service to meet your needs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. If you can’t make it to the branch, we can come out to pick up your non-cash deposits, documents or account instructions. It’s convenient, eliminates trips to the Bank and decreases your risk.

We also can assist you with setting up armored service from a third party vendor if your business requires the transportation of currency on a consistent basis.

Night Deposit Services

Make envelope or bag-size deposits or payments in our secure branch night drop at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Telebank Telephone Banking

You can check your balance, review account activity, transfer funds between accounts, or order a statement faxed to you from anywhere in the United States with our 7 day a week, 24 hour a day toll-free automated telephone banking service. Telephone banking conveniently and securely provides you with the most up-to-date information available on your accounts.

Use a personal identification number and a touch tone phone, dial 866-678-BANK (2265), to initiate a variety of transactions.

Bank by Mail

Make deposits or payments by mail and your account is credited the same business day the deposit or payment is received by the Bank. Confirmation will be mailed back along with the return of another bank-by-mail return envelope.

Safe Deposit Boxes

Have peace of mind when you safely store your important documents and valuables in your own personal safe deposit box.

Notary Service

At our branches, we offer convenient access to services to notarize your legal documents.

We’ll be happy to meet with you at your business location. Just call and we’ll make an appointment to meet with you at your convenience.



To sign up for Cash Management Services or for more information, please call a local branch or contact us anytime at

Please review the Terms and Conditions information available in our branches or contact us for full details on County Commerce Bank's Products and Services.

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