Our business checking and savings accounts meet the needs of any type of business.
For your convenience, we offer a variety of business checking accounts based on your transaction activity and other services used.
Choose from:
See our Business Checking Comparison Chart to quickly compare our accounts to see what might be best for your business.
For your saving and investment needs, earn while you save using our short or long-term, fixed or variable rate, interest-bearing accounts.
Choose from:
See our Business Savings Comparison Chart to help you determine which accounts will help you reach the savings and investments goals you have for your business.
Easy Access to Your Money and Account Information
- Business Online Banking and Bill Pay – Access account information, perform transactions and pay bills anytime, anywhere using a PC and the Internet.
- Business Visa® Debit Card – Access your business checking account funds to obtain cash at ATMs and make purchases at merchants worldwide, wherever Visa® is accepted.
- Telebank Telephone Banking – Obtain up-to-date account information, make transfers and more using our toll-free number.
- Bank by Mail – Use Bank provided envelopes to mail non-cash transactions and documents.
- Statement Imaging – Our IRS and court-approved statements include digitally imaged checks, already sorted and ready and easy to reconcile. Keep statements conveniently stored in a three ring binder for easy research in the future.
Premier Business Checking
This basic checking account is perfect for the business with limited check and deposit volume.
- $100 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $15 monthly maintenance fee is a $3,000 minimum daily balance or an $8,000 average daily balance.
- 150 debits per month for free and then $.50 each thereafter
- 20 deposits per month for free and then each deposit is subject to a charge of $1.25.
- Free ATM/debit card and Telebank access
- Business Online Banking and Bill Pay available
Business Interest Checking
Designed for the sole proprietors and non-profit organizations that are eligible to earn interest on their balances, but want the flexibility of check writing.
- $100 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $10 monthly maintenance fee is a $1,000 minimum daily balance or a $3,000 average daily balance.
- You must maintain a $1,000 minimum daily balance to earn interest.
- 50 debits per month for free and then $.50 each thereafter
- 15 deposits per month for free and then each deposit is subject to a charge of $1.25.
- Free ATM/debit card and Telebank access
- Business Online Banking and Bill Pay available
Business Analysis Checking
This account is designed for the high transaction volume business that enjoys a number of County Commerce Bank services and wishes to have balances offset the service charges.
- $100 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $17.50 monthly maintenance fee is a $500 minimum daily balance.
- You must maintain a $2,500 minimum daily balance to earn an earnings credit.
- The earnings credit is based on the 91 day T-bill rate.
- The earnings credit you earn on your account balances can offset a number of charges. It is like earning credit on your balances for services used.
- Free ATM card and Telebank access
- Business Online Banking and Bill Pay available
For the current earnings credit and a list of analysis fees, please call a local branch or contact us anytime at info@CountyCommercebank.com.
Attorney Client Trust Checking
This is an interest-bearing account held by attorneys for clients’ retainers and future disbursements to third parties. Interest is remitted quarterly to the California State Bar to provide for free legal services to those that qualify.
- $100 to open your account
- The monthly maintenance fee of $10 is charged against the interest earned before remittance to the State Bar.
- Free Telebank access
- Business Online Banking available
Business Money Market Account
This account has been created for the business owner who would like to earn interest on idle balances with limited check writing ability. The Money Market Account offers unlimited deposits, but limits the number of checks and withdrawals, yet pays you a higher rate of interest than an Interest Checking account so earnings accumulate faster. The account is tiered to provide higher interest rates on higher balances.
- $10,000 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $15 monthly maintenance fee is a $2,500 minimum daily balance or a $10,000 average daily balance.
- You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $1,000 to earn interest.
- Transaction limitations and excess transaction fees apply.*
- Free ATM/debit card and Telebank access
- Business Online Banking and Bill Pay available
Business High Yield Money Market Account
This account has been created for the business owner with large cash balances who would like to earn interest on idle balances with limited check writing ability. The High Yield Money Market Account offers unlimited deposits, but limits the number of checks and withdrawals, and it is designed to pay attractive rates on higher balances.
- $10,000 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $25 monthly maintenance fee is a $25,000 minimum daily balance or a $50,000 average daily balance.
- You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $1,000 to earn interest.
- Transaction limitations and excess transaction fees apply.*
- Free ATM/debit card and Telebank access
- Business Online Banking and Bill Pay available
Business Savings Account
This account has been created for the business to earn interest on idle balances while having easy access to those balances when necessary.
- $500 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $20 quarterly maintenance fee is a minimum daily balance of $1,000.
- You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $500 to earn interest.
- Transaction limitations and excess transaction fees apply.*
- Free Telebank access
- Business Online Banking available
Health Savings Account (HSA)
This account helps to defray the cost of current and future healthcare expenses, while taking advantage of tax free savings. Eligible individuals also have the option of keeping the money as savings toward medical expenses during retirement.
Businesses that offer High Deductible Health Plans, or that may be considering offering health insurance coverage, may be interested in making this service available to employees.
The account has check writing ability and withdrawals for medical expenses and interest earned are tax-free. Contributions are tax-deductible.
- $100 to open your account
- Balance to avoid the $3 monthly maintenance fee is a minimum daily balance of $250.
- You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 to earn interest.
- Free Debit Card and Telebank access
- Personal Online Banking available to accountholder
- To qualify for an HSA, you must be 18 or over, and covered by a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). You are ineligible for an HSA if you are covered by any health insurance plan other than an HDHP, have applied for Social Security benefits, receive Medicare benefits, or are claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return. There are no income limits to qualify for an HSA and your contributions do not need to come from employment earnings. You can make deposits from personal savings, dividends, and unemployment or welfare benefits.
Certificates of Deposit
Certificates of Deposit allow businesses to earn higher rates of interest on longer, fixed term deposits. You can establish a maturity that meets your business needs.
- $2,000 minimum to open an account
- Rates vary based on length of term and balance
- Early withdrawal penalties may apply
- Free Telebank access
- Business Online Banking available
Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS®)
CDARS® allows banks to deposit a customer’s large deposit into other federally-insured financial institutions, in amounts of $10,000 and above, and retain the benefit of FDIC insurance on all of the customer’s funds. This service is available to businesses, non-profits, public funds, and individuals.
We’ll be happy to meet with you at your business location. Just call and we’ll make an appointment to meet with you at your convenience.
Let us help you select the right deposit account for your business. Please call a local branch or contact us anytime at info@CountyCommerceBank.com.
Please review the Terms and Conditions information available in our branches or contact us for full details on County Commerce Bank's Products and Services.
* According to government regulations, certain transactions are limited. The account holder is permitted to make unlimited transfers in person. Transfers to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone or computer transfer or by debit card or similar order to third parties are limited to six per statement cycle. See our fee schedule and account disclosures for complete rules and regulations.