Online Banking




3260 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 477-7600




2400 E. Gonzales Rd. Oxnard, CA 93036
(805) 485-7600




2357-B Pickwick Dr.
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 482-7600


What's New


More Convenient,
More Secure,

Learn More

Report a lost or stolen
ATM or Debit Card

Call 805-477-7600

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Remote Deposit Capture

Online Customer Education


Internet Banking Protection & Regulation E

Federal Regulation E or Reg E is a consumer protection and, therefore, does not protect business accounts. Reg E covers consumers who authorize a financial institution to electronically transfer funds to debit or credit his/her account also known as Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs). Additionally, Reg E provides consumers protection against online banking (EFT) losses based on how soon they are detected and reported to their financial institution.

For more information click here.

Risk Assessments to protect yourself and your business

County Commerce Bank annually performs a comprehensive risk assessment of current methods used to detect fraud and to ensure high risk transactions have an associated high level of authentication.
County Commerce Bank suggests to its business online banking clients to perform their own comprehensive risk assessment of controls periodically to protect against fraud and/or online banking loss. 

Consider implementing alternative risk control mechanisms to mitigate your risk such as:

    • Changing your password often
    • Choosing a user name and password that mixes small case letters, upper case letters and numbers
    • Protecting your user name and password information
    • Ensuring you have a firewall in place when making financial transactions
    • Reviewing your account activity regularly
    • Logging off the system when you have completed your transactions

Protect your Information

County Commerce Bank will never ask you to provide account or other personal identification information via email.

As a reminder, never divulge any personal identification information if requested via an email. Personal identification information is defined as:

    • Account or credit card numbers
    • Passwords or PINs
    • Social Security Number
    • Mother’s Maiden Name
    • Other private information


If you receive an email from someone claiming to be from County Commerce Bank asking for account or personal identification, or if you think your accounts have been compromised, please alert us at (805) 485-7600 or (805) 477-7600.

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